
  1. Add "Association" subscriber ($250.00)
    1. Add a new role/level of subscriber = "association".
    2. Code the "association" Edit page
    3. Code the "association" View page"
    4. Edit the "Search View/Result pages." to provide "association" results dependant on which "City/Region/Prov" was searched for.
      Example: "Associations in Maharashtra " would appear when any "city or region in Maharashtra" is searched for.
  1. Add "Knowledge Base" / "Frequently asked questions" section to the site ($250.00)
    1. There are many script for this. I am unsure if it would be better to find a script or develop from start to finish. Sachin what would you recomend?
    2. Function 1: We need to be able to add: 1. Categories 2. Quesitons 3. Answers.
    3. Function 2: Users must be able to "Browse" or "Search (AutoSuggest)" the knowledge base.

Pubic site Pages ~ Visual Site Map PDF


1. "Visitor" - Unregistered -Just Visiting
2."user" (A Visitor that has registered - Did not purchase a service)
3. "Subscriber" (A visitor that has registered and purchages a Service/Listing. )
4. "Member" Everyone is a "Member" (Users or Sumscribers)
5. "Listings/Services" Same thing..
    Our services/Listings. 1. Platinum, 3. Gold, 4. Silver, 5. Bronze, 6. RealEstate (For Sale) 7. Associations.
Individual differences are best depicted on the (Visual Site Map)

Member - "user"

"users" will be able to edit their account setting , submit reviews, edit password (No Demo),or add services from the USER dashboard.

Member - "Subscriber"

"subscribers" will be able to edit their account settings , submit reviews & add/edit their listings from their SUBSCRIBER dashboard. As well as access their Billing Information & Messages.
Please Note: This example "subscriber Dashboard" is populated with example info outling as though this subscriber had purchase 1 of each of our services.

Add/Edit Pages - Members Area

1.Platinum  2.Gold  3.Silver  4.Bronze

These are the pages the subscribers will use to edit their listings information.

Individual differences between (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) listings are best depicted on the (Visual Site Map)

Administration Area (Private)